#Token - Biometric Ring

Token - Biometric Ring

If we talk about Wearable Gadgets  then there is nothing new in it. There are plenty of fitness tracking, notification-sending, payment or even protective finger ornaments around. But none have the ability to identify you and authorize your transactions wherever you go. That is, until "Token" hits the market.

"Token – a biometric identity ring changing the way you prove and protect your identity by streamlining the process of authentication throughout your day. This ring can be used to open house doors, start cars, make credit card transactions and sign in to your computer." 

Our online identities are presented and verified hundreds of times each day as we navigate documents, apps, services and websites. Establishing trusted identities is how a web-based economy functions, and criminals know it. What’s more, passwords can be a hassle, and most of us don’t create strong passwords or follow the best practice of maintaining a different password for every site. Often times, we create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of our accounts.
Studies show more than 80 percent of people use the same password across multiple web sites, managing around 20-30 different accounts. When the same password is used across several sites, compromising one account can expose many others to abuse.

  • Availability in market :-

As per the information provided by makers of  TOKEN, by the end of the year, you'll be able to tap on card readers to enter train and bus systems around the world. US cities slated to support this by 2017 include Chicago, Salt Lake City, Miami and Philadelphia, while the company expects service in New York City to be activated in the first quarter of 2018, although a recent report puts that date closer to 2021.
Whether that could mean greater convenience or more potential for breakdowns due to glitchy technology remains to be seen, but at a recent demo, Token worked well with sample card readers and card-payment terminals.
You can pre-book your Token ring on https://tokenize.com

  • Working of Token
With a fingerprint sensor on the inside, it can confirm that you're the authorized user. Then, you slide on the ring, and an on-board IR optical sensor makes sure the device is still on your finger. As long as you have not taken it off, you can authorize transactions with a tap of your hand. Once removed, you'll have to place your finger on the sensor again before the Token can be used for access.
You can add credit cards, login passwords and set up other profiles via a companion app, and afterwards, you won't have to choose which transaction to authorize.

  • Price Range 
There are many more applications for Token that we don't have time to get into, including an NFC-capable smart lock for your house door and a car starter for convenient setup in vehicles with the start button. These two are made by Tokenize, and cost $100 each or $399 as a kit bundled with the basic flavor of the ring. The wearable itself starts at $249, and more-premium 14K rose gold and black rhodium versions cost $299. They're available for pre-order now (in US sizes 6 to 12) on the Tokenize website and will ship in December.
Image Source Tokenize

Image Source Tokenize 

Content Source :- Tokenize.inc, Internet
Video Source :- Youtube


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